首页Gamingdailyfreespincoinmaster|港股午评:恒指涨1.14%一度创近8个月新高 科技股走强

dailyfreespincoinmaster|港股午评:恒指涨1.14%一度创近8个月新高 科技股走强

时间2024-05-03 12:29:25分类Gaming浏览4
导读:May 3dailyfreespincoinmaster, as of the close of noon, the Hang Seng Index rose 1.5%.dailyfreespincoinmaster.14% reported at 18413 p......

dailyfreespincoinmaster|港股午评:恒指涨1.14%一度创近8个月新高 科技股走强

May 3dailyfreespincoinmaster, as of the close of noon, the Hang Seng Index rose 1.5%.dailyfreespincoinmaster.14% reported at 18413 points, and the Hang Seng Index once rose 2.18% to 18604 points, a record high since September 5, 2023.

The state-owned enterprise index rose 1.29% to 6520 points, and the Hang Seng Technology Index rose 2.07% to 3945 points. Among the components of the Hang Seng Technology Index, Beili Bili rose 6%, Weibo rose nearly 6%, Netease, Jingdong, and Xiaopeng Automobile rose more than 4%, Baidu, Alibaba, Kuaidi, and Zhongan Online rose more than 3%, Ideal Car, Shunyu, Xiaomi, and Ctrip rose more than 2%. Among the constituent stocks, China Overseas Development rose more than 4%, Shenzhou International and AIA rose more than 3%, Galaxy Entertainment, Ping An of China, China Resources Beer, Anta Sports, China Life, China Merchants Bank, and Sands China rose more than 2%.

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