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onlineroulettewheel| zhongjin| May FOMC: Short-term tightening of the Fed is not a bad thing

时间2024-05-02 11:30:23分类Tourism浏览4
导读:专题onlineroulettewheel:美联储维持基准利率不变 将从6月开始放缓缩表步伐自3月底FOMC以来,市场降息预期已经出现onlineroulettewheel了较大的变化,接连不断的超预期数据使得降息预期一推再推,目前已经降至年内降息一次(11月),甚......

专题onlineroulettewheel:美联储维持基准利率不变 将从6月开始放缓缩表步伐


从会议声明和鲍威尔会后表态看,会议整体基调较为平衡,一方面排除了下一次的政策操作是加息的可能性,让市场一度兴奋而大涨,另一方面也承认通胀回落进展缓慢还需要时间[1]。同时,如我们此前所预期,此次会议宣布将于6月开始缩表降速(QT Taper),国债缩减幅度从当前的每月600亿美元降至250亿美元,MBS的缩减步伐维持在每月350亿美元不变。正因如此,美股冲高回落,美债下行抬升,美元指数和黄金反应相对较小。

onlineroulettewheel| zhongjin| May FOMC: Short-term tightening of the Fed is not a bad thing








如我们此前预期,为了提前对冲缩表可能对银行准备金带来的冲击(类似于2019年钱荒),本次会议宣布将从6月开始缩表减速(QT Taper),其中国债从过去的600亿美元每月缩减至250亿美元每月,MBS继续维持350美元每月的缩表规模。在会后新闻发布会上,鲍威尔称减缓缩表步伐有助于降低货币市场压力,可视为预防性措施。2019年正是由于准备金过低引发钱荒问题,我们根据银行准备金的充裕程度测算,按照目前缩表的进程,准备金在今年底就会从过度充裕转为适度充裕水平,美联储提前减速是恰当的。

The contraction deceleration helps to reduce financial liquidity pressure, and the inflection point may occur at the end of the second quarter. In our report "US liquidity may usher in an inflection Point" in early March, we suggested that according to the pace of Fed contraction, the rate of reverse repurchase consumption of money market funds, and the changes in TGA accounts of fiscal deposits, financial liquidity, which has been improving continuously since the fourth quarter of last year, will reach an inflection point in the second quarter of this year, which in turn will adversely affect liquidity-sensitive assets. This kind of influence has begun to appear recently, and it has also produced some pressure on the market. At present, the market performance is still about 7% away from the pressure point we estimated. The Fed's contraction slowed in June, and according to our estimates, the pressure will begin to ease in the third quarter, leading to an improvement in liquidity.

Third, the meaning of assets: the third quarter is the time for improvement, with short-term debt first, long-term debt second, US stocks and credit debt adjusted and then intervened, and the bulk of gold is obviously overdrawn.

Combined with the above two models of financial conditions and financial liquidity, we jointly point to the possibility that things may improve again after the third quarter. In fact, with 30-year US mortgage rates rising again recently, existing home sales, an important support of recent good US demand and high inflation, have begun to fall back. At that time, the "return run" after the pullback of various types of assets, as well as the re-suppression of demand and prices, may lead to the resumption of interest rate cuts and better opportunities for assets. it's just that we still remind us not to cut interest rates too much and too quickly as we expected at the beginning of the year.

From an asset point of view, we think we need to think against the trend at the right time. It is precisely because the financial conditions and financial liquidity have a certain reflexive effect, asset adjustment has its "inevitability", but it is conducive to the restart of interest rate reduction transactions. Therefore, we do not think it is necessary to go to the other extreme, that is, interest rates are not expected to be cut at all, just as interest rates were "high" at 5% in October last year and "low" at 3.8% at the beginning of this year. Combined with the Fed's statement at its May meeting and the follow-up economic impact of tighter financial conditions, we believe that interest rate cuts are still worth laying out. From the perspective of asset selection, we can give priority to the allocation of safe-haven assets such as bonds and gold, and after the confirmation of interest rate cuts and the repair of economic expectations, we can turn to US stocks and commodities.

► Treasuries: the current allocation of short-term bonds, interest rate reduction trading heating up to switch to long-term bonds. At present, as the probability of raising interest rates is relatively small, short-end treasury bonds are a better choice. The current 4.7% of long-end treasury bonds have basically not cut interest rates during the year, which is more fully expected. In addition, combined with the latest bond issuance plan of the Ministry of Finance, it plans to issue $243 billion of bonds in the second quarter ($748 billion in the first quarter) and continue to issue $847 billion in the third quarter, with a relatively moderate degree of bond issuance. it is far lower than the net issuance of about $1 trillion in a single quarter during the period of a sharp surge in Treasury supply in the third quarter of last year. Therefore, the bond issuance pressure corresponding to last year's high of 5% is not likely to occur this year.

► gold: overdraft at the current point, there is still some room after the resumption of interest rate reduction trading. Based on the current real interest rate of 2%-2.2% and the estimate of the dollar index 105106, the reasonable short-term center of gold should be about US $2100 / oz. At present, the gold trading point is higher than the target point, deviates greatly from the US dollar and the real interest rate, and there is an overdraft in the short term. Looking back, under the assumption of 1.5% real interest rate and 102-106 dollar index, the reasonable center of gold is 2400 to 2500 US dollars per ounce. After the resumption of interest rate cuts, gold still has a wave of room for interest rate cuts until it ends once or twice ("what happened the last time gold interest rates rose with the dollar?" ") Looking back at the situation since 1971, we find that it is not common for all three to rise together in history; after it occurs, the probability of falling after one month is close to 60%, giving up the increase within an average of two months.

► U. S. stocks: there is still pressure, after the pullback to intervene. Combined with our financial liquidity and financial condition model, the US stock market pullback to about 4700 points can basically reach the tightening range. But throughout the year, we are not pessimistic about US stocks. Under the benchmark assumption of an economic soft landing, US stocks may switch from current denominator logic to numerator logic after interest rate cuts, and US stocks may rebound again driven by economic fundamentals.

► commodities: also a serious rush, the need to cut interest rates after the demand side is expected to improve. Commodities are not directly reflected in the financial conditions index, but their logic of pushing up commodity prices and improving demand, like US stocks and US credit bonds, requires a pullback to lead to the eventual realization of interest rate cuts.

[1] httpsOnlineroulettewheel: / / www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomcpresconf20240501.htm

This article is from "May FOMC: it is not a bad thing for the Fed to tighten in the short term", which has been released on May 2, 2024.

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