首页Healthcrashbandicootfreedownloadforpc|微盟集团午后涨超14% 完成1.25亿美元新股增发和可转债发行

crashbandicootfreedownloadforpc|微盟集团午后涨超14% 完成1.25亿美元新股增发和可转债发行

时间2024-05-02 18:29:35分类Health浏览4
导读:Weimeng Group (02013 rose 14 in the afternooncrashbandicootfreedownloadforpc.39%crashbandicootfreedownloadforpc, reported at HK$1.5......

Weimeng Group (02013) rose 14 in the afternooncrashbandicootfreedownloadforpc.39%crashbandicootfreedownloadforpc, reported at HK$1.59, with a turnover of HK$174 million.

crashbandicootfreedownloadforpc|微盟集团午后涨超14% 完成1.25亿美元新股增发和可转债发行

Wemeng Group recently issued three announcements, stating that all conditions under the new share placement agreement have been met, and the company has successfully completed the placement, with net proceeds of approximately HK$308 million; in addition, Wemeng has successfully issued US$85 million in convertible bonds. The above two projects raised a total of US$125 million. At the same time, Weimeng completed the repurchase of US$300 million zero-coupon guaranteed convertible bonds due in 2026.

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